Webinar series
The microbiome and COVID-19
The live series has concluded: recordings are now available.
The latest medical research is showing that a healthy gut microbiome is likely to play a role in protecting us from the most severe symptoms of COVID-19. This series of three webinars is for anyone wanting to understand current research on the microbiome and COVID-19 so they can make informed decisions about the foods they eat to support their microbiome health.
Each webinar is fully referenced with the latest research published in medical literature and introduces clear, evidence-based steps you can take to support the health of your microbiome – primarily through simple food choices. For more details on what the webinars cover, see below.
Recordings of this webinar series are available until 30 June 2021:
£75 for all three webinars, or £30 for the first one and then £50 for the following two webinars.
Drawing on my early career in medical research, I am passionate about sharing the latest insights from microbiome research in a way that is accessible to everyone, including those who don’t have a scientific or medical background. While the microbiome can change significantly within just 3–6 weeks of certain dietary changes, shifting the overall balance of your microbiome requires sustained action. This webinar series gives you empowering information and tools for you to take action to improve your microbiome balance that can support your health – right now and for many years to come.
These webinars are for anyone wanting to take proactive steps to support their health and immune system, especially those who are concerned that their age, ethnicity, underlying health conditions or higher bodyweight places them at increased risk for the more severe COVID symptoms. The series is also suitable for those recovering from COVID, and those who want to make an investment in healthy ageing and the prevention of inflammation-related conditions – where the effectiveness of microbiome diet interventions are already well evidenced.
“Friendly, informative and pitched at a level so that it was interesting for those with a medical background and for people like me who have a personal interest”
"I am finding the worksheets very useful, and a real eyeopener to the fact my diet isn't as varied as I thought it was."
Each webinar will include clear steps you can take, as well as detailed information on which foods can be chosen for microbiome health, so you can make your own meal plans and recipes to suit you.
Webinar 1: 40mins
Introduction to the gut microbiome and its role in health and disease
Current evidence indicating the likely role of the gut microbiome in preventing the most severe symptoms of COVID-19
Microbiome profiles of some people identified as more at risk of severe COVID-19
Polyphenol-rich foods and steps to nourishing a healthy microbiome
Webinar 2: 45mins
The gut microbiome’s role in immunity and inflammation
Causes of microbiome imbalances
Metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and the role of inflammation in the most dangerous COVID-19 symptoms
Studies that show how prebiotic foods change the balance of the gut microbiome
The changes in the gut microbiome associated with older age and food-based clinical trials on supporting microbiome health from middle age.
Steps to nourish a healthy microbiome that protects against inflammation
Webinar 3: 50mins
Studies linking the gut microbiome and lung health.
Coronavirus, ACE2 receptors and gut health.
The role of the microbiome and inflammation in obesity.
Potential roles of probiotics in protecting us from severe COVID-19.
Lifestyle choices and microbiome health.
Social jet lag, our daily sleep/wake cycle and gut health.
Lockdown and seasonal tips for microbiome-boosting foods.
Health benefits of live, fermented foods.
Further steps to nourishing a healthy microbiome.
These are video recordings of live sessions (with question time deleted to protect the privacy of the participants). The videos will be available until 30 June 2021. Alongside the videos, you will be able to download a copy of all slides, fully referenced with the medical literature cited, as well as worksheets and information sheets that are otherwise exclusive to my Microbiome Analysis and coaching clients.
One to one guidance, to apply your learnings to your individual situation, is available through wellbeing coaching or microbiome analysis sessions. Microbiome analysis sessions have a 10% discount for anyone who has purchased this webinar series.
"The charts are now on the fridge door, next to the shopping list. I've already altered my weekly organic box!"
All steps are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and can be followed by those requiring low-sugar, low-salt and gluten-free diets. Those with existing gut symptoms such as pain, bloating or IBS, or restricted diets, may need to modify the dietary advice according to their own symptom management. I note these modifications within the webinars where possible.
A small number of discounted prices are available, especially for lower-waged frontline keyworkers (including nurses, carers and primary school staff) and greater discounts for BAME/AAEM** keyworkers. Please contact me if you need one of those, or if you would like to sponsor a discounted place to make more available.
About Viola Sampson BSc RCST BCST
Following an early career as a published medical research scientist, I have practised as a complementary healthcare practitioner for almost 15 years – specialising in chronic conditions and digestive health. I offer Microbiome Analysis using modern stool testing to tailor healthy eating advice to an individual's unique gut bacterial profile, and to prescribe targeted prebiotics and probiotics as well as lifestyle considerations to support overall health. You can read more about me here.
*Keyworkers who are from Black Asian and Minority Ethnic groups are disproportionately affected by COVID, especially those with African-Carribean heritage. I recognise that structural racism has health impacts, including a likely impact on microbiome health, and so I have donated some webinar places as a form of antiracist action that I can take as an individual.